JeTSI History

About JeTSI (June, 2003)

Jeffries Technologies Solutions, Inc. (JeTSI) is a relatively young and small, woman-owned company headquartered in Herndon, Virgnia. Leslie and Alan Jeffries, the principle owners, established JeTSI in 2003.

JeTSI’s corporate model is that of the tele-working or telecommuting engineering services provider. We have no brick-&-mortar costs at this time, and instead invest in our corporate computer and communications infrastructure, which allows our employees to work efficiently from any location. We believe this approach sets JeTSI apart since it reduces enormous energy costs for facilities and commuting, while providing experienced and premier engineering resources to our customers.

Joint Polar Satellite Systems (JPSS) (METS II ASRC Management Services, 2010 – Present)

  • Provide key support in assessing and developing Mission Readiness in support of NASA’s NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP)
  • Interface and requirement verification
  • Test definition, verification approach, requirement closure analysis
  • Tech baseline development
  • Architecture lead using DoDAF, UPDM, SysML integrated framework (Magic Draw suite)
  • Requirements lead supporting derivation of L2/L3 requirements from JPSS Level 1s
  • Traceability analysis between NPOESS L2 and NPP L2 sets (tech baseline clean up)
  • Traceability analysis between JPSS realigned L3’s and NPOESS L3’s (tech baseline clean up)
  • Restoration of L1/L2 Interface Requirement Documents (IRDs – tech baseline clean up)
  • Interface Documentation realignment and clean up support
  • Concept of Operations (ConOps) support
  • Systems Engineering oversight and analysis of L4 implementation plans and approach

NASA’s Space Communications & Navigation (SCaN) (QiniteQ North America, 2010 – 2011)

  • Assessment of Service Management and Network Scheduling Software
  • Evaluated current and future operations needs of system assets related to scheduling multiple spacecraft
  • Defined Sequence of Scheduled Asset Control Commands for each antenna type (at NEN sites, TDRSS, and DSN sites)
  • Developed system engineering products for architecture trade studies

Space Network Modernization - SN Ground Sustainment System (SGSS) (MSES IIa - SGT, 2008 - 2010)

  • Provide key support in developing requirements for the Architecture Trade Study phase with four lead contractors, which continued on to SGSS level 3 requirements in the project SRD and IRDs
  • Led the IRD effort between SGSS and NISN
  • Led the development of the functional and physical architecture with support from Glenn Research Center
  • Lead the requirements and notional design solution for the new User Services Gateway (USG) Element of the SGSS.
  • Provide leading technical support and guidance to the Enterprise Infrastructure (EI) Element (communications, security and distributed data management)
  • Provide leading technical support and guidance to the Fleet and Ground Management (GFM) Element
  • Supported all other element efforts
  • Provided key resources to the In House Cost Estimate (IHCE) and Program Schedule development
  • Provide technical support to numerous Systems Engineering and Technology laboratory studies (CCSDS recommendation and overall communications architecture related)
  • Project liaison to CCSDS
  • Provide lead technical support to SGSS technology laboratory (Building 13)

SCaN Systems Engineering & Integration (SE&I), Network Integration & Engineering (NI&E) (MSES IIa - SGT, 2008 - 2010)

  • Provide requirements development, analysis and traceability support (via Cradle) to the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) level 2 engineering effort
    • SCaN encompasses the SN, NEN and DSN
  • SCaN and its Level 2 engineering effort have evolved since the prior ECANS and SCIP phases, and continues to be a very dynamic environment
  • JeTSI is one of the few contractors to have been retained throughout this evolutionary process due to its unique and critical expertise across the SCaN networks and ground systems in general

Concept Study for Lunar Optical Communications Service (MSES IIa - SGT, 2009)

Developed phased mission plan to host Optical Com Terminals and imaging system in Lunar Orbit to support International Lunar Network missions and CxP

Space Science Mission Operations MSES-Swales (2003-2007)

  • Technical Consultant for upgrading SOHO operations system to utilize Space Link Extension (SLE) protocols to access DSN and ESA deep space antennas.
  • Coordination and oversight for SLE software development effort
  • Liaison with ESA on developing joint interface agreement with SSMO, DSN and ESA for SLE services
  • SSMO expanded effort to migrate SLE into ACE Mission Operations System

Exploration Communication Navigation Systems (ECANS) METS-SGT (2006-2007)

  • Supported development of Architecture, Concept of Operations and Requirements for the Exploration Program’s Communication and Navigation infrastructure, utilizing the Space Network (SN), Near Earth Network (NEN), Deep Space Network (DSN) and a proposed Lunar Communications Network.

SCaN Constellation Interface Project (SCIP) (MSES IIA - SGT, 2007-2008)

  • Provided communications architecture and engineering support in defining the communications and navigation approach for Constellation’s ISS and Lunar Phases
  • Chaired the SCaN-CxP IP Tiger Team panel consisting of representatives from the SN, DSN, NEN, NISN, Cx SAVIO, Cx MS, Cx GS, Cx Orion and Cx Ares organizations.
    • The panel resolved the overall architecture of applying an IP-based network to all phases of the CxP flight regime, including defining interface boundaries and responsibilities between SCaN (SN, DSN, NEN and NISN) and CxP (MS, GS, Orion, Ares, Altair, Lunar Surface Systems).
    • Produced requirements, architectures, data flow diagrams and many other engineering products.
  • Supported SCaN-CxP Interface Working Groups in developing IRDs between SCaN and CxP Mission Systems, Ground System, Ares and Orion
  • Assisted in developing initial version of the SCaN Architecture and Requirements, as well as numerous topical studies and working groups (e.g., impact of range safety on communications architecture, options for launch head upgrades for CxP)

Space Science Mission Operations, MOMS-HTSI (2005)

  • Performed studies for SSMO Multi-Mission Operations Center (MMOC) initiative:
    • Assessed/compared three Telemetry & Command Systems’ native ability to support multi-mission operations (ASIST, ITOS, L3 InControl)
    • Assessed utility of the MOIS tool in migrating existing SSMO missions to MMOC
    • Developed an overall MMOC architecture and implementation plan
    • Prepared a migration plan for the WIND Mission
  • Became Value Added Reseller (VAR) for ESA’s SLE technology, providing licenses and support to SSMO via Vega Group, Germany

Earth Science Mission Operations MSES-Swales, 2003-2004

  • Follow on to Vega IT, Inc development of Aqua Instrument Simulators
  • Supported Aura Mission with simulators for flight instruments at the EOS Flight SW Validation Facility
  • Evaluation and prototyping of simulator for MODIS instrument using HW emulation approach and actual MODIS flight SW
  • Became a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the VEGA-ESA SimSat simulation environments, models and tools.