JeTSI at NoMagic World Symposium

JeTSI Modelers attended the NoMagic World Symposium.

JeTSI has been on the forefront of applying Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) services and products utilizing the Department of Defense Architectural Framework (DoDAF) on large aerospace projects.  We have been working with NASA and NOAA on the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Ground Project (GP) since 2010. The JPSS GP spans the globe, with two Ground Terminal sites on each pole, plus communications provided by NASA’s Space Network geosynchronous communications satellites. The JPSS GP has numerous interfaces to other weather programs, NASA support organizations, other NOAA entities

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, other civil agencies and elements of the Department of Defense.

Leveraging UPDM, JeTSI worked with NASA to develop a very complete and detailed model of the JPSS GP. This architecture allowed NASA to execute its technical management activities with minimal resources, and to communicate the systems concepts and nuances throughout the life cycle. The full benefit of this work will be realized when the JPSS-2, JPSS-3, and JPSS-4 satellites are deployed over the next decade without having to re-develop the technical baseline for each new deployment.

JeTSI also leveraged the JPSS GP architecture to assist NOAA’s Office of Satellite Ground Services (OSGS) in charting the overall NESDSIS ground system architecture into the next decade. For both NASA and NOAA, JeTSI has been in a unique position to support major system trades (capability, cost, and schedule) as NOAA charts its new course into the future of weather satellites.